
Friday, 10 June 2011


Well, this has been a bit of a slow week sewing wise. I guess even elves have to have a break some times.

I opted for french seams on the skirt seams. You can see just how inclined to fray this material is. It also creases beyond belief. On the up side, it does iron well, but I think it is going to be shockingly creased when it comes out of the washing machine!

You can see it is slowly taking shape. This picture show the front bodice and the skirt. You can also see the pale grey lining behind. The gathers are in the centre back. I need to move the front bust gathers as having tried it on, I'm not entirely sure they aren't too close to the arm hole. 
 I had to spend quite some time matchng the front pattern. I've got to admit this fabric is a bit bold for me, but I think once it's all made up, it's going to look pretty stunning. I'm just working on an idea for the centre front fastening. I'd like to do a shaped edge, but I need to think it out first.
Here's the back with the gathered middle section. It's going to be a bit weird wearing a dress with gathers here. At least I shan't have to worry whether my bum looks big. I'll KNOW it looks big!
I was trying to show a picture of the bodice pattern I've drafted here, but Ellie kept deciding that the off cuts of material should really be in the shot!
One sleeve attached. I did mean to do puffed sleeves, but I'm afraid I chickened out. It's been a while since I've worn dresses, especially ones like this, and I don't want it to look like a costume. I know a lot of people like making costumes but I'm going to be wearing this down my local co-op, so it needs to be functional, and I need to feel confident. I'll work up to the puffed sleeves on a later dress I think...
Here's a shot of the back. I haven't quite finished the neckline hence the wrinkles. I like how low it swoops down, and the shape of the curve.
So, all in all, it's progressing, slow but sure. I wish it were done as the weather has been just lovely for a wearing a dress like this. Perhaps next week I'll be floating down in swishy material as I go to the library with the pram...

On other notes. I think I've worked out how to upload a file, so I shall be on the case of scanning in patterns. Just watch this space! I want to do a tutorial with it as well, so it will have to wait until I've got a bit more material. 

I ordered some material yesterday to make a small quilt each for Ellie and Nancy. 

This is the basic pattern, but I decided to do it a bit mental colour wise, so it won’t be nearly so clear cut as this example is. as background for Nancy’s quilt as background for Ellie’s quilt (Then the reverse on the back of each of their quilts) I got small pieces of all of these, so each flower will be a different colour.

I'm really looking forward to starting these, although I think they'll be a while in the making.... Right off to do the dishes  ;o(

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